trip to the lake ...
One day 5 boys tired of doing the miles on their spaceship land on a planet called Earth, on a field at random. Intrigued and a bit disoriented our friends come down and look around, noticing an oval filled with water. "What is that?" came to the hut and ask permission to read the rules and decide to try to fish in this strange and curious structure.
Our heroes: Vito, Mark, Daniel, Luke and Stephen, choose the best location open the barrel and begin to prepare the fish frames. Luke 's ingenious of 5 fanastici takes 30' to mount his cane, while Vito 's selfless instantly starts to fish with corn trying to break the bank right away and banish the shadow of the case human. Marco starnutitore the crowds and the hilarious Daniel rokkettaro begin to fish with maggots, after preparing the lines with Stephen Pallos patient crazy. The engineer ingenious little after Luke breaks his magnificent creature mounts and cursing another joint ... and begins to explore half oval using the ability to launch Shuffle. Daniel and Mark between a sneeze and the other take, even despite his state of Stefano insanity keeps up with the two, but our hero with a thousand Vito insights he draws nothing (note that he and I fished the same way). So seeing that Stephen would take the stands in front of the sclera with great joy. Meanwhile, Luke returns cane and finally begins to take, focusing fishing for sunfish, voracious fish that lives very close to shore and take in enough water to depress the hired bully and he eats, but then and imposed by Slam since digests instantly what swallows forcing the mind to do surgery. Vito
unhappy with his fishing, I kept repeating: "I've got it all wrong in my life" and testing the mathematical law "when you turn your head and not look at this the float goes under, he discovers the secret ... and two triggers corn! So can fish for carp biggest of the day.
Spend 4 hours, 5 fantastic close their doors back on the ship and fly away, glad that have found a great beautiful place for ...
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