Monday, May 18, 2009

Free Sample Forcommunity Services

In the ass!

What title more examples of this to describe the release of Saturday 9 / 5 (you can also see from the photos)! The components are always them, Stephen, Luke and Vito. This time we set off in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Naviglio Grande Inn hunters! Marco was there, but during the night came a galloping cagotto that prevented him from joining the cheerful brigade ... so Stephen takes the car with some expletive to Tuttocuore because he had to take him. The meeting is at 7 and calmly get ready, take Luca, Vito and then to 7.30 (notice how the times are linger) we are on the highway.
Around 8:15 we reach the canal in the village of Nosedo ... Luke says: "I want a bar !!!", Vito is of the same opinion. We decide So to go to breakfast. Found a bar-restaurant in the country we come and say to the lady who would like to have breakfast, we were the first and perhaps the only customer of the day. The lady very happy now says: "Sure guys, so ... here we have briosss !!!"... you can imagine our reaction to hearing this perfect pronunciation.
But proceed, at 9.00 (and here you really understand how it would go the day) we take our things and go on the channel after asking directions to a passing lady who told us that the place we wanted was 10 minutes from there ... we walk and walk, but no trace of the place! Then go back and change the place we go to the restaurant, let Castelnovate (10.30 hours!), Who arrived in Ticino is in all its power had flooded everything, you could not fish in those conditions. Then we change place again and turning to two other places arriaviamo Somma Lombardo (11.00). Stephen leads the group in a pretty promising, but the three discover that this is now a protected area for wildlife, then PROHIBITION OF FISHING! Then we return to the beach we had seen before and we get to fish (11.45). At 12.00 we closed everything and we went to eat! And there at the restaurant we were greeted by tagliatelle with wild boar sauce, beef with roasted potatoes and finish with a beautiful crisp meringue covered with a fettazza cup of hot chocolate, all washed down with copious amounts of wine!! What about ... ... ...
the barrel in the ass!


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