Monday, January 31, 2011

Freightliner Sprinter 2010

quick way to organize files and folders

Short post to suggest a method of organizing Files and folders on your computer.
First, create a personal folder with your name.
Inside, create as many folders as there are areas of interest (eg, work, website, blog, social, etc.).. To order in terms of importance precede the name of a serial number to two digits: eg:
01-job, 02-site, 03-Misc.
Zero prevents writing 10 steps in front of the folder 2, 3, etc..
Within each folder, create subfolders are required and the other the same way.
For example, in 01-WORK:
01-Clients, 02-Works, 03-Bills, etc..
Continue in this way all the necessary subfolders. The only exception, as far as I'm concerned, are the customers: I make a folder for each client, named with the full name of the client. In this way I have a customer list in alphabetical order. Useful even if I do a mail box customers from Windows Explorer.
A similar thing can be made to the suppliers.
Within each folder, I make a folder for each client practice, which is designated as the practice, in order to find just what I need.
then created an Excel file with a list of jobs with customer number practice (I can be a gradual extension or number that gives the customer - The folder of work will be called with the same name / number), date of delivery charge, date of delivery work, price paid, invoice number, date of payment. The items to be included in this list are at the discretion of staff work.
I just know that I've tried various billing software (specifically for translators and others), but I still prefer a nice Excel spreadsheet to opportunities of customization and ease of use.
That way I can also make personal use of simple statistics (eg. Those who work for months, if I handed the work over this period, how many practices he gave me the individual customer, and so on). With this simple
method of organization I have a view that reflects the importance of various folders easily and quickly find what I need without having to search for all the PC each time. It 's true that there is a search function, but this way I control the situation even more.
And you, you have a better one?

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Almost Acoustic

Wonderful concert Carisport Ligabue at Cesena.
ugly places in the last row, with the ceiling at 2 cm from the head. Beautiful
the fact that we found, by chance, the Lu and Mauro 2 seats away, just as I was planning to call and who knows if they are already there, who knows that people have, who knows if we will never peck in the middle this mess, and instead were there, two steps away. Horrible
that instead of the place was far from Cinzia me and Patty. Beautiful
the fact that at least his place was decent. Beautiful girls screaming at
next to us, who perhaps had their age when the first album and still we remember and we remember all the trips with the school in the walkman and cassettes, with Mario Bar, Rock The World , Marlon Brando he is always , and barracuda doll. Horrible
that these girls are here now scream and tear their hair, jump as possessed of equal and are all dressed like any sports team, at the time of the first album were not even born (and we were already in school trip , the Walkman and cassettes, etc. etc.). Just a doubt

grips me: Who the hell is Nearco ?

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Littlest Pet Shop Leg Warmers

The days of the blackbird

We are on the second day of the blackbird . Here
snowing since this morning, although for the moment has not yet attacked, but it looks like not having the slightest intention to quit.
I wonder what will be the evening and especially what will meet tomorrow morning when we wake ... As for me I already had enough snow in the city this winter.

Friday, January 28, 2011

White Jelly Bracelet Meaning


few days ago I got the following message on Facebook, a colleague of mine:

In a time when the press, voyeuristic and morbid, seems to attribute to women as the only profession
"the oldest work the world "; rediscover the great women of the past, to allow to those in this to have different patterns of identification and do not inhibit the development of those of the future.
Choose a great woman of history and use the photo in your profile. Forward this message to as many 'women know!

I did not have a lot to think about before you go searching on the Web this photo:

Who is this woman?
Ada Lovelace.

Ada was the only legitimate daughter of Lord Byron, but most importantly it is recognized as the first computer programmer in history.

happens that the poet Lord Byron married Anne Isabella Milbank, mathematics (as well as heiress). The combination of the two pigeons is not that it was just this great success, in fact, so much so that the two are not even arrived to celebrate the first wedding anniversary.
And the fact is that one month after the birth of little Ada, the poet returned to you wife and daughter, future math mathematics. With hindsight, who could blame him?
In fact, let's face it, a woman and a poet mathematics (pure mathematics with daughter and future)? But
go, come on, just could not bear to do, and there was not even need a crystal ball, I'll would have predicted an informed anyone ...

Anyway, Ada grows without ever having seen or known His father, who died when she was only 9 years old. Needless to say, Ada's mother had it to death with her ex-husband and was terrified that the daughter might be interested in poetry. To avoid this disturbing, so immoderate Ada pushes towards mathematics and science.
Evidently she had brought these matters and continues to willingly school, to university, where he stands and more loudly that the original, considering the age.

Even before her marriage to William King, Earl of Lovelace, Charles Babbage and Ada know is fascinated by his ideas and his work. This leads to a correspondence and collaboration between the two which led to Ada to define an algorithm for calculating Bernoulli numbers, which was to be made by Babbage's analytical engine (which already had a structure similar to that of the Turing machine). This algorithm Ada is recognized as the first program in history. It is for this reason that Ada is considered by many as the mother of programming.

addition to that with Babbage, Ada has maintained correspondence, contacts and exchange ideas with other British scientists, including Michael Faraday.

Ada died of cancer at age 36 and asked to be buried near his father, who had never met and who had always lived away.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Carbonate Water At Home


8 consecutive hours of exams.
8 hours of struggle against the reservation system of examinations for some reason did not record any of the tests today, so the lab was not available, why was not my reservation.
8 hours of struggle against the online reporting system, which I do not really want to talk, because now I have nothing more to say about it.
8 hours of technical terms and in the most absurd English sfarfugliati (eg lossless became the first lessloss and then lus-lès , stuff that looked like a dialect of Romagna, authoring became Authority, Oracle has become Onion ). But
5 seconds of " Professor, his lectures will be missed. We can go to see her every now and then? may request that your friend on Facebook? " help.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The Best Tasting Cereal

Real sitcom - Episode 34, or Remove the wax Put wax

Drin! drin! drin!

Young Researcher " Hello? "
Administrative anorexia: " Doctor, hello, is the Administrative Secretary of Anorexia Pinco Palla. "
Young Researcher " Ah, hello Administrative anorexic. "
Administrative Anorexia " Look, I call because I need a couple of polishing ..."

Cars and floors?
The deerskin polishing and sends them to me for internal mail?
With the cuts to universities and research had to do this and more ...

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In Italian, please

"So we meet for lunch after the meeting. We need to find new targets to improve the average compared to those of our competitors and increase customer satisfaction."

This was one of common phrases in my head where I worked once. At the end you could say "Ah, so what?".
has always bothered me the use of unnecessary foreign words in a speech. Not because I have anything against the English, but because we are in Italy and I expect to hear Italian.
Since doing the translator gives me this attitude even more annoying. I happen very often to review translated texts filled with English words are not required, or be in memory containing translations of colleagues. Even found in texts translated from the French!
OK, with words such as software, computer, timer, password (in fact, in this case leave password, "password", disorienting the reader).
But because you say / write range instead of range, baseline instead of the baseline, and outcome rather than outcome / result (etc., etc..)?
not always know who reads English. Indeed, if a text is translated in English it is for those who do not know.

So you will end up with the "board of directors (instead of the Board of Directors) on an article recently appeared several times in articles in the Corriere della Sera.

We have a rich language, complex and famous (in the eighteenth century was the English equivalent today). Why not use it at least when we?

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

39 Weeks Pregnant Dull Pain In Chest And Back

AAA Searching ... The Keg

thinking Women calls for the resignation of Silvio Berlusconi and his government .

we ask how women, as citizens, and we ask with all those men and citizens who do not accept to be ruled by Berlusconi and his government.

While it is clear that today as women and as an association that protects the representation of women, can not but speak the havoc yet again made against us must be equally clear that the inadequacy Berlusconi to govern Italy, with the sex scandals of recent days and only came to a climax and end.

  1. The inability of Silvio Berlusconi's government is likely to have already dented the credibility of our country at international level: shines through its complete lack of sense of the state from personalistic management of public affairs, by his repeated gaffes, and by the numerous accusations that are recognized as the contest with the Mafia, extortion and the facilitation of child prostitution. Berlusconi has long since lost any sense of limits, dragging the entire nation, thanks to collusion of a court of loyal vassals ready to do anything to receive her favors, a decline of enormous proportions, to recover which will take many years and many, profound change.
  2. The sex scandals of recent days are just the latest in a huge series. Over the years of his government - with a strong surge in the last two, before our eyes There was a shocking picture, whose characters and details are continuing to emerge - not because, as would have us believe, is a persecuted / intercettato/spiato- but because it is a matter of such magnitude that it is impossible, despite the resources used, buy the silence of those who have seen and heard. A question arises at this point, more than legitimate: who governs Italy as the head of government and all his ministers have pledged to cover the evil deeds of one who is not even able to buy a public credibility?
  3. Misogyny Berlusconi is such that he did underestimate the danger of scandal, and yet it is the women who are starting to talk about: Veronica Lario first with his prophetic letter, then Patrick D'Addario with his anger, then various Letizia, Barbara Montereale, Ruby, Nadia Macri, who for a moment losing sight of guile and cynicism have been tangled up revealing, perhaps in spite of themselves, what they knew. But it is also a story of determination and seriousness of women like Anna and Ida Fiorillo Boccassini that challenge the silence and using the tools of justice are contributing to the sinking of the last final blow.
  4. The severity of the problem which today leads us to react is not only the sex scandal. What we want to denounce the system that is Silvio Berlusconi, thanks to its television channels to its network of associates, brokers, businessmen, created in recent years. A system of corruption that uses women as a bargaining chip to obtain favors, but which took root in the imagination of all who today think that using your body to get money or facilities, is a form of employment perfectly normal, indeed smarter than others, which imply greater effort to lower efficiency. We want to make it clear that the corruption of morals, the values \u200b\u200bof zero, this annihilation of the prospects for young people, was perpetrated by one who is elected by a people to preserve the present, and especially the future.
We stopped believing in a burst of dignity by this government, certain that history will judge these sad years, but if we want to give to women and Italian men hope to find dignity in the social and political culture of this country, need to be reformed from top to bottom the role of women in politics, and culture in Italian society. This reform is not possible without the commitment of all men and women together.
single condition: the resignation of Silvio Berlusconi and his government .
As for the story Ruby and possible incitement to prostitution, we are expressing an opinion based on what is currently available through the media.

Minnie Mouse Birthday Party

The usual confusion about the role of translator / interpreter

Today I wanted to tell you about an article by a colleague, Kristina Pisa, about the telecast of the infidel Gad Lerner and confusion that has been made (and you) including translators, interpreters, exhibition hostess and escorts .

Unfortunately, it is still widespread the idea that a translator you need is a computer and a few dictionary, or do the interpreter is equivalent to the hostess of the show. With professional and consequent impact on the image requests from clients such as the one received by the author of the article.
And as always the female figure, in any profession, is further debased. Why should I be handsome to be an interpreter? Why a translator who is seen as a potter from home just to do something?

Monday, January 24, 2011

D2nt 3.6m2 Do Pobrania

The Keg was by far one of my favorite chains when I was in Toronto.
This is a famous steakhouse chain in Canada and considered virtually "Ancient", since it was founded in the "distant" 1971.

I was a couple of times but the most famous and lovely The Keg in Toronto, the Mansion, in Jarvis Street. The location is Fichissima, this is a house of 1868, perhaps one of the oldest buildings in Toronto to be still standing. They settled and has a The Keg even since 1976, and 35 years are a time unthinkable for a club in Toronto.

One of the typical dishes of this chain is the steaks with half lobster.
Lucia, this mix meat and seafood seemed almost a blasphemy and not resign himself to the idea of \u200b\u200btaste that wonderful. Once convinced, the third bite there was Need I say more.

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Work from home is a job - Part 2

As promised, I will tell you my views the fact that working from home is not a pastime.
When I talked to my boss I wanted to quit in order to work more from home and follow my child, I heard comments like: "Do some work just to pass the time." After almost three years I must say I was entirely wrong, fortunately.

Today, many jobs are done individually, by choice or necessity, and often from home, because not everyone can afford a studio or want to leave the comfort of their home. This does not mean that these jobs have less dignity than others. As we have seen, often a self-employed work longer hours than an employee, except that instead of coffee break can afford a ride to the park or a walk in shop windows.
Women are more victims of this injury, because this choice is often dictated by the need to look after their children and manage in a more autonomous and flexible home and work. Then imagine the woman in curlers and dressing gown, surrounded by screaming children, and sew in a washing machine and preparing lunch. Among the community of translators a large percentage are women. Talking to them, it is often just the need to work from home to follow more closely the children. But the translators do somersaults like all other employees working mothers. Why must submit a translated document correctly, on time. Although there is dinner to prepare, to do the shopping, the sick child.
Unfortunately the common opinion of the people is very different, and one of the objectives of this blog is just to show how these thoughts are wrong.
who works from home, as well as the work needs to promote their business, even with tools like a blog, find customers, manage the accounts. And to consider that rarely means no weekend work (not at all as I write this text are the 11 am Sunday).

Working from home? Yes thanks . E ' a job like any other, with a number of advantages outweigh the disadvantages, for me, but still a job. Used to pay mortgage and bills like any other job. Although carried out in non-canonical hours, without a label to brand and sometimes trying not to hear the children arguing or watching television.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Airwalk ‘aggressive’ Skates Review

Working from home is a job - Part 1

The first reaction of people when you say that working from home is to envy: good work anytime, anywhere, You can also stay in his pajamas and the like. The other reaction liquid fast work from home as something one does just to pass the time and round up the revenue.

The first reaction is not entirely wrong. E 'partly true that one can work wherever and whenever he wants and dress as they want. If you want to get up at 11 am and work until midnight, you can do it very well. If you want to work in pajamas, no one sees you. If a day is sunny and you want to work in the garden, take your laptop and you sit down in the countryside. These idyllic scenes do not occur, however, almost never, because working from home is a job, and like all the work has the characteristics that debunk those myths. Also because if everything was all roses and flowers work from home. Or not?

First, it is almost never true that Work when you want-there are deadlines, timetables to be met with customers (you can not be found at odd hours), if you have a family you have to follow all times. Working from home (which almost always means that self-employment) also means that work even if you're sick (so you're at home), if you're pregnant (I know something), that if you have an urgent delivery work until you're done, without looking at the timetable. And without being paid overtime.
also work from home requires discipline, organizational skills and concentration.
E 'need to focus on work that is taking place, without succumbing to distractions (television, stereo, hobbies, housework, children screaming and you call right, etc..), often without having a place solely dedicated to work. This goes wrong, in my opinion, with the ability to work wherever you want. I do not think I would be very productive lying on a lawn in the sun with my laptop ...
E 'must also have discipline. Without the eye of a boss can sometimes get lost and distracted by something else, and then be near the end with an impressive body of work still to do.
The organization wants its part: planning work schedules, not to be overlapped with deliveries; ability to divide the work from private life (not to be always immersed in work in their free time, or, conversely, not to bring the privacy in the workplace).
Additional features required for working at home: resourcefulness, ability to handle customers in person, determination, ability to know how to arrange in various fields, resistance to stress, to know how to deal with the super work periods or otherwise the lack of revenue due to idle periods. An important component is self-esteem, to know its value even in difficult times.

Of course, it also has its advantages (which for me outweigh the disadvantages):
effective flexibility, lack of movement to go on workplace, lack of leaders who need a rush job on Friday at just 17, can say no to a job (in some cases).

In some of these issues will talk more later, as the myth that working from home is a hobby.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Ambulance Service Mission Statement

The courage to say NO

I just said that I worked for peanuts e. .. lupus in fabula.

I contact a potential customer (translation agency) are looking for very specialized translators. Rates offered by hunger. The price premium paid to translators who work for a long time is far below the desirable rates.
I answered NO .
Although not particularly full of work right now, even if some money is always comfortable, even if it is a new customer.

The translator is a job, not a hobby, not (only) a passion. With my work as a translator we pay the bills and the mortgage, we do the shopping. I studied for five long years a difficult subject, I did my apprenticeship, as a chemist and as a translator, I returned to play 30 years and I studied hard to become a full-time translator. I do not want to sell off all this, I will not sell out.

Unfortunately, the translator, like many other professions now must negotiate the price downwards if want to work, but fortunately not all. A translation can not be bought at the market or at auction. It 's a work of a professional and - as such, has its price. Usual hackneyed phrase: if I go to a lawyer / dentist / primary pay the bill without question. I have a price, my work has a price. Point.
If all of my colleagues think so, even the customers, especially the agencies, they adapt. But this talk is as old as Job.
It is important to be consistent with themselves and know what it's worth.
I said NO, because, as a note advertising says, "Because I'm worth .

Can You Train A Goldfish???

Projects for 2011

Now the good intentions for the new year are no longer very fashionable, because yours truly has never been able to maintain one.
And then working for a long time in quality among "objectives and targets," he remained the professional bias.

In any case, here are the projects for this year. If I write them and read them all I'll have to not abandon them eheh.
  • This blog is the first project: of course it is not enough to be born, but you have to "herd" and grow it.
  • Expand the network of customers. This is the year of marketing and that it is way down.
  • improve my professional , ie: no work at ridiculous prices (W No Peanuts), no "work from home Ah, so you can watch the children" But I am not a babysitter!, No "Ah make the translator, I translate this song? "etc., etc.. Surely this improvement must come from me (suggestions are welcome) and a good education of the customer. But the awareness of my ability (not everyone is able to translate a text of chemistry!). Obviously it will take much, much patience, but I'm sure I'll make it ;-)
  • Write a book. The subject is still hazy, but I've already got a couple of ideas.
  • And then be faithful to my motto for 2011 : "Enough with the deadwood . Last year I was faithful to the motto of the 2010 (I'll tell you soon in another post) and are satisfied with the results. Of course I will continue to follow the motto of last year.
I think this year again omit learning English, but sooner or later be able to study consistently.

I would say that for one year only and the little time I can is enough. But a year is long and we must seize every opportunity.
soon and that your plans for the new year come true.