Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Basic Edition Dress Flats

In Italian, please

"So we meet for lunch after the meeting. We need to find new targets to improve the average compared to those of our competitors and increase customer satisfaction."

This was one of common phrases in my head where I worked once. At the end you could say "Ah, so what?".
has always bothered me the use of unnecessary foreign words in a speech. Not because I have anything against the English, but because we are in Italy and I expect to hear Italian.
Since doing the translator gives me this attitude even more annoying. I happen very often to review translated texts filled with English words are not required, or be in memory containing translations of colleagues. Even found in texts translated from the French!
OK, with words such as software, computer, timer, password (in fact, in this case leave password, "password", disorienting the reader).
But because you say / write range instead of range, baseline instead of the baseline, and outcome rather than outcome / result (etc., etc..)?
not always know who reads English. Indeed, if a text is translated in English it is for those who do not know.

So you will end up with the "board of directors (instead of the Board of Directors) on an article recently appeared several times in articles in the Corriere della Sera.

We have a rich language, complex and famous (in the eighteenth century was the English equivalent today). Why not use it at least when we?


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