While studying at university and even after I had addressed this question many times. Often followed by "Why did not you do computer engineering?" (Almost the same thing), or "The chemical pollution", "The chemistry is boring, everything to learn by heart", etc.. etc..
Apart from the fact that everyone can study the limit of what he wants and interests, he studied chemistry has opened a fascinating world of knowledge and helped me to develop skills useful in other areas of life. Unfortunately
chemistry has always had a negative connotation, as companies pollutants, toxic fumes, drugs, a series of formulas tedious to memorize.
Instead, besides being literally the engine of life (you know that we are living through a series of chemical reactions?) and to have made development and benefits in real life (just a few examples: nylon stockings, plastic, computers), chemistry is a science interesting and fascinating and very useful in various fields.
Obviously, if used cum grain of salt.
Grande blame for these thoughts we have the school, where the chemistry is also taught by graduate teachers in other science subjects, as a matter arid and memory and above all very theoretical, but that no such thing. Other executives are the means of communication, so great emphasis is placed if a spill or an accident happens in a chemical company (but very often the fault of lack of security of the company, only that the chemicals do not mess around) but not to the fact that all pollution abatement systems, for example, are due to chemistry and its reactions.
Since my blog is also about chemistry and this year is the international year of chemistry , I want to redeem this Cinderella of the sciences.
In this post I referred to some topics that are important to me and that will develop in later posts. Because one of my desires is to make it clear to the reader that the chemistry is a fascinating science. If you want to enter this fantastic adventure, then follow me.
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