Thursday, February 17, 2011

Airwalk ‘aggressive’ Skates

Internet, I love you

I still remember my first experience with the network. I was a college student. I had to search for a document on the website of the university and other documents for my research, but I had not the faintest idea how to do. I went into the computer room for students (I think in Corso Raffaello Torino), I asked a guy like I had to do to find that address on the Internet. The boy looked at me with bulging eyes, must have thought this comes from where? From
quell'ormai days away too much has changed water under the bridges, as they say.
Today the Internet is an integral part of my life and my work. I'm not a fanatic of the network, in the sense that I prefer to take a walk or read a book if I have free time. But my job as a translator exists thanks to the Internet. I work with clients around the world without leaving home. Exchange documents, photos, and I receive payments. I am researching. Without the Internet to translate every document that I should spend hours in libraries looking through books and articles, often with a click while I have a viable solution.
I use it for leisure. I talk with friends, I found people who otherwise might not have seen again, communicate more quickly with those abroad.
And again "I do advertising," thanks to this blog, to website (about: - I'm working on getting as soon as the Italian version), the Social Network.
Purchase books and other items, exchange views with colleagues, mothers, clients, often without ever having seen and met in person. I learn a lot about many topics. Simplifies my life and enriched. A job as the translator would lead to an almost complete isolation without internet. I see the image of a modern scribe in the silence of your own home, leaning on the keyboard, surrounded by big book, which works without noticing out if it is day or night, rain or sun. Internet enables social, virtual, it is true, that should not replace the real one. But it helps. It helps to "chat" instead of in front of the coffee machine, in front of the keyboard. But it does not total isolation with the world.

And then, seeing that I work with languages, Internet, I love you, je t'aime.


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