Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Why Do Dog Beds Have Cedar Filling?


After a post solely on the translation, I want to inaugurate today the topic chemistry, which also is part of my job as well as translations, indeed even longer.

This year is the International Year of Chemistry.
On this link I invite you to read the information on chemical and events to be held to celebrate this science.

Unfortunately, it is considered a science and not abused, the school, such as area of \u200b\u200bwork (how many chemical industries are in Italy?), The media opinion and policy.
The chemical pollution, smells, is dangerous, causing illness and death.
This is what you think. But as they say in the site linked to above, the chemistry is our life (we are living through a series of chemical reactions), and careful attention, including clean air and water pollution are not due to these chemicals.

I hope you will follow me to learn many things good and useful chemistry.


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